Below is a worked example of odds ratio graph in Stata. The data set I used is nlsw88.dta:
Please note, in order to produce the graph, you will need to have both parmest and egenmore installed. If you haven’t installed them before, please use the commands:
ssc install parmest
ssc install egenmore
Once the packages are installed, the following commands generate the graph:
sysuse nlsw88, clear
logit union married never_married collgrad south
parmest, norestore eform
egen axis= axis(estimate), label(parm)
twoway scatter axis estimate, xline(1) ylab(, valuelabel angle(0)) || rcap min95 max95 axis, horizontal legend(order(1 "point estimate" 2 "95% conf. int.") pos(6)) xtitle("odds ratio") ytitle("")